Wallpaper peri – There are various Android apps which you need to install it on the Android phone or tablet. The first of them is Wallpaper peri that recently updated to latest version, Wallpaper peri 1.7. Wallpaper peri 1.7 tends to be downloaded from Google Play Store which the link can be obtained on this page. Meanwhile, below is detail of the app.
Features of Wallpaper peri 1.7 for Android
There are various features which you'll be able to find in Wallpaper peri 1.7. The following is full features within the app, including extra features in Wallpaper peri 1.7
Wallpaper peri
Setiap hati manusia memiliki dunia dongeng melamun, dalam aplikasi ini, di situ juga hatimu bahwa dunia dongeng itu?
Sebuah pilihan delapan fantasi dongeng gambar latar belakang
2 lima jenis efek: cinta, gelembung, daun, bintang, tetesan air hujan, sehingga Anda bisa leluasa memilih efek favorit mereka.
3 Sentuh menunjuk efek
Wallpaper ini telah menguji peralatan terbaru, seperti Samsung Galaxy S3/S4, Nexus7, HTC One dan Sony Xperia Z, millet. jikaPengaturan Anda tidak didukung, silahkan hubungi kami.
Petunjuk penginstalan:
Home -> Menu -> Wallpaper> Live Wallpaper Gulir ke bawah daftar untuk menemukan wallpaper dinamis dan mengaturnya.
Interested to set up Wallpaper peri 1.7 into your Android device? Just use this link to download Wallpaper peri 1.7 directly to your Android device. You can download Wallpaper peri 1.7 apk too from other websites.
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